We played games to get our blood moving and to meet new compadres. Hand and foot size-up, squirrel tag, and name tag were the first activities on the docket. Then we had our first meeting. Explorers were itchin’ to get into the woods and to explore but remained focused to learn about the jobs necessary for exploring together safely. POP QUIZ: Do you know the importance of the TTTPP? Your explorer should remember a skit in which Dave pretended to be very uncomfortable!
In the midst of tumbling and dizziness some Explorers took to an Explorer’s hand lens and analyzed objects up close. Bread, bandanas, and cones were scrutinized and Explorers took notes about their observations. Eventually the rolling, climbing, studying, and eating came to a close and we learned about camouflage!
We learned about the game Hide and played two rounds, getting used to our surroundings and the opportunities for natural disguises. Explorers then split into two groups and staged slow-motion Hide as we critiqued different hiding places and how color and movement play big roles in camouflage.
Next up was Camouflage Gauntlet. Ask your Explorer how many different pipe cleaners they found. Which colors do they remember? Mentors hid 15 pipe cleaners along the trail and Explorers searched for them with their eyes while laughing at some of the creative placements.
With their new awareness about camouflage, they explored the forest with new eyes. Explorers found shelters from previous Explorer groups and looked forward to learning about this essential skill. We then naturally fell into the rhythm of the art of exploration, sticks in hands, climbing and crawling through the landscape. Downed trees became balance beams and some of us even saw a banana slug tucked away in a decomposing tree stump.
We learned about some Explorers Club mottos this first day too: Safety First, Be Prepared, and A Tool is an Extension of the Body. This explorer was impressed by everyone’s willingness to consider another motto too: Stretch Your Edge. As it was the first outing together, Explorers remained open to trying new things and meeting new friends. Thank you for the hard work, Grey Fox Kits! And parents, thanks for your support!
Check out photos from the outing on our photo gallery.
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