Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Exploring Sehome Arboretum with the Grey Fox Kits

Mentors changed the agenda on the Grey Fox Kits and their families by meeting at the bottom on Sehome Arboretum instead of the prescribed “end of the road” as originally written. Fortunately Explorers and parents were up for the challenge as we decided to meet at the top. What great fortune to hike up a mountain and have arranged transportation for the ride down!
Boys immediately met for opening meeting so that we could explore as much as possible. We played “Bob the Weasel” as the boys passed around a carrot so that others couldn’t see. Also, we distributed jobs and were ready for our expedition to the top.
We’d like to thank Soren Brotherton, who has been an Explorers Mentoring Apprentice with the Grey Fox Kits for five outings now. He is an important role-model for these boys and he has even led activities for us. You have tremendous capability as a young man and we appreciate your hard-work and dedication to these Explorers. You are setting the tone for what the Four Shields program will become.
Another thank you is for Jake Ray who volunteered his Saturday to be a mentor. Welcome to the Grey Fox Kits. We appreciate your working with the boys and being a patient teacher and guide as we learned about plants of the Arboretum together. We’re looking forward to working with you in the subsequent seasons too!
As we hiked there were important decisions to make. We had to decide which trail to take, determine the best place to eat lunch, and play various rounds of Hide. Boys took charge and followed the mottoVoir Dire, by relating their truths honestly and openly. By respectfully listening and speaking we abided by the mottoCollaborate and Compromise, and our exploration ran smoothly.
Soren set up a game where we had to revisit our supersenses, especially our Owl Eyes, while looking for pipe cleaners in the forest. Then we came to the cliff.
Explorers, make sure to tell your parents about hazards we can find while exploring. Share with them what you learned about not running off when you don’t know the land. Parents, rest assured that no one was hurt or in danger, but boys stretched our edges by finding steeper sections of trail without waiting for the group. They should remember that safe exploration involves waiting for the whole group so that no one gets left behind or goes too far without the necessary guidance.
After discovering these steeper slopes it was our duty to explore them and so we ran up and down, slid down on our butts and tummies, and found rocks on which to clamber. Grey Fox Kits then saddled up once more and we trekked along the ridge toward the top of the mountain. We explored plants, worms, and flowers along the way.
Eventually we found the tower trail and climbed up to the top. It was a nice conclusion to the day. But we had two more vital activities before we could head to the parking lot. We enjoyed a fifteen minute sit spot which was a refreshing way to reconnect with the land on an individual level. While sharing a story from our sit spot, we took the time to enjoy apples together, have a closing meeting and practice our Attitude of Gratitude. There is truly so much to be thankful for.
We mentors are thankful for our second full season with the Grey Fox Kits. You have grown tremendously in the year we have known you and it is always nice to explore with you. Parents we are thankful for your support and dedication to getting these boys connected with the natural world. Thank you.
Please look at the photo gallery for more pictures of this outing and consider signing up for one of the summer camps if you haven’t already. Our Summer Solstice Gathering will take place on Thursday, June 20th at Hovander Park and we’d love to see you there! Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you might have; we’d love your feedback. Enjoy the day!

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